As Democrats take back the White House, what does the 2020 presidential election portend for the future of US politics?

"In The End of a Presidency: Trump’s Loss in a Divided America", 2019
Tens of millions of Americans chose Donald Trump for a second term despite Joe Biden’s historic win. How the Republican Party relates to this bloc of voters—along with the ideology Trump represents—is now central to its strategic direction. For the Democrats, there’s a shift happening in 2020 as the old monuments aren’t working anymore for a new generation of progressives who want a government that better reflects them. They're locked in a contest with the old guard embodied by Joe Biden for influence over the party’s vision. Josh Rushing explores how Trump changed the presidency, and where the two parties will go next.

It's the tipping point for this democracy... This is a time when a fear of losing hold of democracy feels very, very real.

Maria Hinojosa, Author of "Once I Was You"
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Laila Al-Arian, executive producer | Jeremy Young, producer | Joel Van Haren, director of photography | Warwick Meade, editor | Josh Rushing, correspondent